This is a long overdue show for the ISO, bringing together our Orchestra and Symphony Singers to celebrate Beethoven’s much-belated 250th!
Originally scheduled for his sestercentennial birthday celebration year, we are proud and excited to present Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony! Expect all of the usual surprises along the way, including the premiere of Charles Stephens’ River of Silk Symphony and beautiful choral selections from David Troiano’s Singers.
We cannot wait for this long overdue celebration on March 24th at McMorran Theatre in Port Huron & March 25th at Great Lakes Auditorium in Sarnia. For more information or to purchase tickets please check out: https://tinyurl.com/ISOTickets
Can’t make it in person? Try our live stream of the concert on Saturday night. Purchase tickets here: https://theiso.org/subscribe/live-streaming/
See why the ISO250 concert is being called a “not to miss” show!
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