The ISO's concert programming & educational projects are made possible by generous support from our Ontario and Michigan friends.

Curtis Cataford

Lola's Lounge

The Joseph & Vivian Martin Trust

Estate of Annette Johnston

Estate of Mable Gansler

Estate of Thomas Andison

ISO 10,000 Hours: 2023-24 SEASON SPONSORS

The ISO has a strong history with the St. Clair Foundation, who have assisted county cultural projects in a swift and timely fashion every year and were a source of vital pandemic support. We are excited to continue our association for the return 2022-23 season.

The Sarnia Community Foundation manages the ISO Endowment Fund, which assists ISO operations as we resume our regular concert season.

Fairwind Farms are an environmentally sustainable Lambton County-based cash crop producer specializing in soybeans, corn, winter wheat and sugarbeets. We welcomed Fairwind as an ISO sponsor during our pandemic renewal period.

The ISO is most grateful to the longstanding support of Bluewater Power, providing power generation to Lambton County since 1916. Their support continued through the pandemic, and they remain an enthusiastic and valued symphony sponsor.