Christmas Weekend Without Borders







Here’s to the first cross-border ISO activity weekend in 20 months: Saturday saw the ISObar host the Cory James Mitchell Band‘s annual holiday charity concert. The ISO was the band’s chosen recipient this season, and as always we thank Cory and the band for their generous support. Cory J’s band were a recent collaborator with the ISO Strings for an upcoming episode of The ISObar Sessions, so stay tuned. Special thanks to our volunteer crew on the bar and front door.

Sunday it was time for the International Symphony Singers’ “…And The Angels Sang!”, a choral Christmas concert performed at St Denis Catholic Church in Lexington MI (also home to the region’s annual Bach festival).  The turnout was excellent and we were treated to the Bach Harpsichord Concerto in F Minor with soloist Victoria Banks and the ISO Strings.  Thanks a million to ISS conductor David Troiano, board member Patricia Owens and harpsichord builder/singer Thomas Ciul for helping make this series happen.

Thanks to all involved in Canada and Michigan for this big Christmas weekend for the ISO!



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