A Fantastic Finale to an Incredible Comeback Season for The ISO!

A Season Finale with everything needed for a rousing farewell to a remarkable comeback season AND MORE!
The ISO says goodbye to its 65th season April 28 & 29, 2023 with V&V!
Tchaikovsky’s 4th Symphony, a fascinating mid-career work valued as a showpiece for conductors around the world, is given a run by ISO’s Maestro Bianchi with an orchestra more than up for the challenge after a busy season.
But why not a double shot of crowd-pleasing brilliance?
With Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante, we’ve got it! A work for solo Violin & Viola and orchestra, featuring the brother-sister team of John & Sarah Wiebe.
Finally, completing a heartfelt salute to our bridged community audience who stuck by us during tough times; these two monoliths are rounded out by Verdi’s Forza del Destino Overture.
Join us for our season finale in Sarnia on Friday, April 28th or in Port Huron on Saturday, April 29th. For more information or to purchase tickets please head to the ticket page of our website OR for tickets to the Sarnia evening concert taking place at Great Lake Auditorium, click here. For tickets to the Port Huron concert taking place at McMorran Theatre, click here.
Can’t make it in person? Try our live stream of the concert on Saturday night. Purchase tickets here.
Our 22/23 season may be coming to a close, but stay tuned for our 23/24 season announcement! In fact, there is much more to come as the ISO evolves into the strongest musical organization between London and Detroit!
PLUS do not miss a summer full of symphony surprises. Stay up-to-date with all of The ISO’s goings-on by following us on our social media!